Jüdische Gruppen in Berlin:
Jewish Groups in Berlin
Egalitarian minjan -
Meshulash - Kesher - Yachad
- Jewish Doctors and Psychologists -
Nahostgruppe - Jüdischer
Studentenbund - Esra
- Gesher -
Rosh Chodesh Group - Frauengruppe
- BBYO - Singles ... ...
Synagogues -
Social Institutions - Learning - General
Timetable of 1999 Events - Youth...
Kesher - Israelis in Berlin
Tel: 030/ 832 64 50
The number of Israelis living in Berlin is steadily increasing.
Kesher holds regular meetings in Hebrew about culture, Israel and other
topics of common interest.
was founded after the pogrom against aliens in Rostock in 1991. Jews and
non-Jews from different countries, all living in Berlin, hold activities
around cultural and political issues, hold demonstrations and have
organized an exhibition: "Jewish
Life in Berlin: Traditions and Visions" containing
interviews, paintings, photos, installations, sound clips... This
exhibition which was presented during the 1998
Days of Jewish Culture and had an enormous media echo.
Organization of Jewish Doctors and
Psychologists in Berlin
(Organisation der jüdischen Ärzte und Psychologen in Berlin)
Since a conference entitled "Medicine and Halacha",
doctors, psychologists, pharmacists and psychotherapists meet once a month
– mostly on the second Thursday of the month – to attend lectures,
discussions and seminars relevant to their professional field.
"Psychoanalysis and Judaism", "Dying and decease in
Judaism", "Changes in the Health Care System", "Consequences of the Shoa
on the Second Generation", "Jewish concepts of sickness and healing", were
but a few of the organised lectures. A special emphasis is also placed on
training regarding sicknesses, to which Jewish populations show a higher
density of affliction. Such sicknesses are for instance hereditary
diseases like the rare Morbus Gaucher, or the much more common breast
Since a high percentage of the now more than 200 members
of the "Organisation of Jewish Doctors and Psychologists" originated from
the former Soviet Union, the organisation has recognized the necessity to
help their members and colleagues to integrate into their new professional
community. Thus a new service of consultation has been established within
the organisation.
Since there are also existing groups of Jewish doctors
and psychologists within other German provinces, such as Bavaria,
Rheinland-Pfalz, Hessen and Baden-Wuerttenberg, new regional divisions and
a national framework for Jewish doctors and psychologists will be
Contacts are already existing to the Israeli Medical
In the year 2002 a project was undertaken to research the role played by
the professional organisation of doctors during Nazi times showing how
they supported actively the discrimination and exlusion process of their
Jewish collegues. The results of the findings were presented in a public
hearing. In 1933 50 percent of Berlin’s medical specialists were Jewish.
Yachad, a group for gay, lesbian, transsexual and bisexual Jews,
was founded in Cologne in 1995. Today they have groups in Berlin, Hamburg,
Munich, Franconia (North Bavarian Region) and the Rhine area.
Apart from strengthening their homosexual and Jewish identity,
they have formed their own lobbies and are politically active and
celebrate the Jewish holidays. In 1997 Berlin had a big exhibition about
history of homosexual discrimination and 100 years of the science of
sexuality. Yachad contributed to a conference about "sexuality - religion
and spirituality", which was part of that exhibition project.
During the last two years they have participated in the
Christopher Street Day Parade in June.
c / o Mann-o-Meter, Motzstr. 5, tel: 216 33 36 (daily
6 pm to 9 pm) -
Pessach- Haggada für Yachad
Homosexualität und Judentum