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Synagogues in Berlin

The Jewish Community today runs six synagogues, Adass Yisroel one. The Jewish Culture Center, an independent group, hosts a kabbalat shabbat. There is also an independent Egalitarian Minyan, meeting every third shabbat for services.

For further questions ring 030 / 88 02 80

Joachimstaler Strasse 13 (orthodox)

District: Charlottenburg, transportation: U-Bahn line U 15 or U 9 to Kurfürstendamm, S-Bahn Zoologischer Garten.

Friday night services after sundown.

Saturday morning services at 9.30 am.

Weekday Shacharith at 8 am, Monday to Friday 7.30 am. Mincha / Maariv: 30 minutes before nightfall.

Rabbi: Yitzhak Ehrenberg

Pestalozzi Straße 14-15 (liberal, non-mixed seating)

District: Charlottenburg, transportation: S-Bahn to Savignyplatz, U-Bahn line 7 Wilmersdorfer Strasse, Buses 101 or 149 Kantstrasse / Leibnitzstrasse

Friday night services: winter 6 pm, summer 7 pm

Saturday morning services at 9.30 am

There is an organ and a mixed choir and a very special tradition, the so-called "old German rite" (altdeutscher Ritus).

Rabbi: W. Rothschild (responsible for all non-orthodox issues)

Fraenkelufer 10 - 16 (conservative, non-mixed seating)

District: Kreuzberg, transportation: U-Bahn Line 1 or 8 to Kottbuser Tor, Bus 141 to Kottbusser Brücke

Friday night services: 7 pm

Saturday morning services: 9.30 am

Herbartstrasse 26 (conservative)

District: Charlottenburg, transportation: S-Bahn 45 or 46 to Witzleben, Buses 149 or 204 to Kuno-Fischer-Strasse

Friday night services: winter 5.30 pm, summer 6 pm

Saturday morning services at 9.30 am

It serves the Senior Citizens home.

Rykestrasse 53 (conservative, non-mixed seating)

district: Prenzlauer Berg, transportation U-Bahn Line 2 to Senefelder Platz, tram 1 to Knaackstrasse

Friday night services: winter 6 pm, summer 7 pm
Saturday morning services at 9.30 am

It served as the only synagogue for the small East Berlin Jewish community

Oranienburger Strasse 29 (traditional egalitarian)

District: Mitte, transportation U-Bahn Line 6 to Oranienburger Tor, S-Bahn line 1and 2 to Oranienburger Strasse

Friday night services: 7pm (in winter 6pm)
Saturday morning services: 10 am (with kiddush)

There is a small synagogue with 80 seats. Services were started here in April 1998. Seating is mixed, siddurim (prayerbooks) are in Hebrew with transcription and German translation. The first Bat Mizva took place in August 1998. As this synagogual community, which started 1994 as a grassroots groop, is very new, it is not clear whether it will adopt a more conservative or a more reform orientation.

More information:

Huettenweg 45

Zehlendorf (District border to Grunewald);
Transportation: U 1 to OSKAR-HELENE-HEIM (12 min walk), BUS 111, 118 to WALDFRIEDHOF (1 min walk), BUS 115, 183 to HÜTTENWEG (7 min walk), BUS X10 to U-OSKAR-HELENE-HEIM (12 min walk)

Friday night services: 20.30 h
Saturday: Please ask in the office of the community, Tel.: 030 / 880 28 - 124

Rabbi: Dr. Andreas Nachama

Tucholskystrasse 40 / Adass Yisroel Synagogue (orthodox)

Tel: 281 31 35

district Mitte, transportation U-Bahn Line 6 to Oranienburger Tor, S-Bahn line 1and 2 to Oranienburger Strasse

Friday night services begin between 5 pm and 6.30 pm (depending on time of the year)

Saturday morning services: 9.30 am

Note: If you'ld like to join services we advise to call (Tel: 281 31 35) in advance.

Bet Debora - BerlinJewish Museum Berlin


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