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Ehud Barak zu Jerusalem und Abu-Dis:
Sie sind dort und wir sind hier!

Prime Minister Ehud Barak at 
the beginning of the Cabinet meeting 
on Jerusalem and Abu-Dis

Jüdische Buchhandlung Morascha - Zürich - Bücher zum Judentum, Ritualia...

Pferde in Israel


"We are in the midst of a diplomatic process whose goal is to strengthen Israel and its security.  In any future settlement, Jerusalem will remain united as Israel's eternal capital.  They [the Palestinians] will be in Abu-Dis and we will be in united Jerusalem.  We are committed to moving forward toward a peace agreement that will be 1,000 times better than any alternative.  The nature of the reality which will be created here if we do not find the wisdom to reach agreements is clear to all of us.  We are charged with an historic and national responsibility to effect a separation in the Land of Israel, they will be there and we will be here.

What we are submitting today is not the transfer of additional territory to the Palestinian authority but merely a change in the status of 0.25% of Area B - which is under Palestinian civil control - to Area A.  This decision is diplomatic but it is also correct from a security point-of-view.  It is clear that taking the direct route to the third redeployment will increase the chance of impasse and deterioration.  We propose going towards a framework agreement.

We have no interest in annexing 30,000 Palestinians to Jerusalem or Israeli sovereignty. Experience has shown us that every transfer of this kind has served our security well.  In 1992, there were 2,400 attacks in Judea and Samaria; in 1999, there were only 140.

The entire move strengthens the diplomatic process, strengthens our position in Jerusalem and strengthens our security.  Even around this table, there have been periods in which various governments did not see the reality, stuck its head in the sand and were later obliged to cope with a more bitter reality.  Our historic responsibility is to make decisions, based on a sober view of reality and while guarding our vital interests - strengthening our security, effecting a separation with the Palestinians and preserving the unity of Jerusalem."

Foto Galerie: Po vesham beErez Israel
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haGalil onLine 15-05-2000


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